~~Fall!! I love the Fall it is my absolute favorite season. I love the cooler weather and spending more time outside, open windows, sweatshirts, falling leaves, fires in the fire pit and yummy candles burning in the house.
~~Both kiddos have birthdays before the end of the year!! Wow how time sure does fly. She is almost 4 and he will be 1. It really doesn't seem quite possible.
~~We are celebrating our 7th anniversary this Fall. It has been a wonderful seven years and I can't wait for the next 50 or so that come our way.
~~Holidays! It always seems that September will start ushering in the holidays. Now I'm not trying to rush into Christmas but I love the feeling in the air when we go to a pumpkin patch, we start to do Christmas shopping, we start thinking about what we will feast on at Thanksgiving, seeing family that we can't see every day, and then bringing in the New Year.
~~And of course the best thing of all this September is...well if you know us you know what it is!!!!!